活出精彩人生 • 全靠明智選擇 | CircleDNA x Sabrina Chan

Health for me means a state of physical, mental, social, and intellectual wellbeing." - Sabrina Chan, ex-Investment Banking Analyst at Goldman Sachs and current CircleDNA ChangeMaker

Is it "work hard, play hard" or "work smart, play smart?" Sabrina says they are equally important, and it's just as critical that we are able to deal with adversity and emotion. The most important part of all? CircleDNA is now giving people easier access and more information about their bodies so more can afford to make positive changes. 

Through a simple at-home test, CircleDNA helps you uncover your personalised diet profiles, nutrient needs, optimal exercise routines, genetic risk of common cancers, and more – i.e. valuable information that your family can also benefit from. Discover your 500 personalised reports - made for you, by those who understand your needs best.

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What will your genes say? Find out at www.circleDNA.com


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